$395.00 USD

Every month

15 day trial
Your payment information will be stored on a secure server for future purchases

Please note:

This is a monthly subscription and a six month commitment at a time.

You MUST email us to cancel after the allotted time increments or your subscription will continue.


By logging in to Damn Good Designer® and The Design Paradigm™ you agree to abide by the copyright agreement and terms of service located below and if you are paying monthly it is a binding agreement to continue.

Due to the digital nature of this content this makes it nonrefundable.



Putting everything you learned in TDP into action with challenges, meetings and additional support!

What you'll get:

  • Quarterly pop up talks based on a topic at hand that the majority of you would like to discuss

  • Monthly ask your partner email correspondence about a specific sticky wicket--(Cheryl can better respond to these in between other things but you all know she WILL respond--but you HAVE to copy Stephanie!!)

  • We will send a monthly email to each of you with a bit of the "day in the life" of what we are facing or our challenges and how we handled them including any emails we have done or special things sent to clients AND to check in on the following:

    • Your 30 day goal, if it has been accomplished and why or why not

    • The status of where you are to get to your yearly goal to keep you accountable

    • Asking if there is additional advice you need from Cheryl that we can communicate via email, you can send us a document you would like her or Liz to review or a problem that we can help you solve that month in the "ask your partner" process.

  • A 1.5 to 2 hour one on one deep dive with Cheryl in six month increments

  • Monthly meetings like we do now and keep it on task for Q and A of any sort

  • Access to anything new we edit or add to TDP

  • A dedicated private group of JUST US where you can crowd-source the group for issues and problems.

  • Priced monthly and you may cancel in six month increments

    • $395/month

    • Cancelling can happen at 6 months, 12 months, 18 months etc. - this is due being able to have one on ones with you so we can spread them out accordingly.


If you need the tax deduction for 2024 then you can pay 6 months in advance too.

Please note:

This is a monthly subscription and a six month commitment at a time.

You MUST email us to cancel after the allotted time increments or your subscription will continue.